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    Jewish Healthy Living Inspired by Maimonides

    Explore Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health

    How did a Jewish doctor, 800 years ago, understand health trends we follow today without modern technology?

    Most people know Maimonides as a great Rabbi and a thought leader of the Jewish people,

    Only a few know that Mamonides was the personal doctor to the Egyptian sultan, Saladin, as well as the doctor of thousands of people in his community.

    “It is natural for a man's character and actions to be influenced by his friends and associates and for him to follow the local norms of behavior. Therefore, he should associate with the righteous and be constantly in the company of the wise, so as to learn from their deeds.”

    - Mishneh Torah, Sefer Hamada, chapter 6

    In this seminar we dive into Maimonides’ unique Medical and Health teachings and learn how to implement his health guidelines to our daily life. From optimizing gut health through food combinations to mastering mindful eating, this seminar offers valuable insights and strategies for cultivating body awareness and forming healthy habits.


    This seminar is not only a chance to learn about a holistic approach to food but it is also a powerful way to better our health to connect to ancient wisdom from a fresh perspective.

    It’s an eye-opening experience to see how Maimonides' great work, written 800 years ago not only fits our life today, but it might be the answer we’ve been waiting for to live a more healthy, happy life; emotionally mentally and physically.

    This seminar is for anyone who’s excited and wants to explore different methods to living a healthy lifestyle, from any religious background and ethnicity.  

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    Hear what they say:

    Amy Both, KC:


    “We were able to ask questions along the way and always opened with questions from the lesson the week before. So it seems we were able to get clarity easily.

    Remi is so full of life and enthusiasm for the topic. It was presented in a thoughtful, well thoroughly out format. It energized me to work on certain aspects of my healthy living!”

    Jeff Kivett, KC:


    “Not having studied in this area before and being a lover of history, I found all of the material regarding Maimonedis’ life and teachings very interesting. Remi did a great job. Remi’s so accepting and appreciative of all questions with her bubbly personality. The slides were very good and informative. I liked the small group, because it helped keep me engaged. I would recommend this class to everyone.”

    In this seminar, we'll cover Maimonides' nutrition guidelines and how to optimize overall wellbeing through gut health. You'll learn practical strategies for cultivating body awareness and mastering the art of forming healthy habits. We'll explore mindful eating practices and discuss the connections between mental health, physical activity, and overall well being. By the end, you'll have clear, actionable steps to improve your health and incorporate these ancient insights into your daily life.

    Instructor & Author, Remi Haik:


    Gratuadted with a Degree of Traditional Naturopat at 2012 from Reidman International College for Complementary and Integrative Medicinein, Israel.

    Personal Trainer Certifications from Germany, and a Certified Nutritionist since 2019 from the Akademie für Sport und Gesundheit, Berlin, Germany.